Useful Advice People Wish They Received in Their 20s Shared in Twitter Thread

What do you wish someone had told you in your 20s?

Useful Advice People Wish They Received in Their 20s Shared in Twitter Thread

As you enter your 20s, it's natural to feel both excited and overwhelmed. This is a time when you have more independence and the chance to explore new opportunities, but it can also come with uncertainty and challenges.

Seeking advice from those who have already been through this stage of life can be extremely valuable. However, not all advice is created equal, and it can be difficult to know which advice will be truly helpful.

This article will explore some advice that has proven to be beneficial for people in their 20s. From personal finance and career development to building meaningful relationships and prioritizing self-care, there are many areas where the right advice can make a huge difference.

By learning from the experiences of others, you can navigate this decade with more confidence and clarity. One Twitter user, @adrierising, sparked a discussion that resulted in people sharing a wealth of useful advice for those in their 20s.

This advice covers a wide range of topics, including the importance of saving money, taking risks in your career, investing in your mental health, and building a supportive community. By following this advice and learning from the mistakes and successes of others, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling life in your 20s and beyond.

Remember that everyone's journey is unique, but there is always something to learn from others who have walked a similar path.

People ask:

People ask:Twitter

1. Stretch your body

1. Stretch your bodyTwitter

2. Make a copy

2. Make a copyTwitter

3. Go to therapy

3. Go to therapyTwitter

4. Take a risk

4. Take a riskTwitter

5. Take a smoke

5. Take a smokeTwitter

6. Hit the road

6.  Hit the roadTwitter

7. Do all the things you would love to do

7. Do all the things you would love to doTwitter

8. It's not worth saving every relationship

8. It's not worth saving every relationshipTwitter

9. Nobody can bring you peace but yourself

9. Nobody can bring you peace but yourselfTwitter

10. Be acti

10. Be actiTwitter

11. Start saving

11. Start savingTwitter

12. Good does not mean right

12. Good does not mean rightTwitter

13. Articulate your making-kin

13. Articulate your making-kinTwitter

14. Get an insurance

14. Get an insuranceTwitter

15. Avoid toxic relationships

15. Avoid toxic relationshipsTwitter

16. Be brave enough to be yourself

16. Be brave enough to be yourselfTwitter

17. Use sunscreen

17. Use sunscreenTwitter

18. Spend more time with yourself

18. Spend more time with yourselfTwitter

19. Less stress about career

19. Less stress about careerTwitter

20. Use moisturiser

20. Use moisturiserTwitter

21. Babe

21. BabeTwitter

22. Forgive yourself for the mistakes

22. Forgive yourself for the mistakesTwitter

23. When in doubt, choose change

23. When in doubt, choose changeTwitter

24. Adult toddlers

24. Adult toddlersTwitter

25. Exercise for stress relief

25. Exercise for stress reliefTwitter

26. Document your every success

26.  Document your every successTwitter

27. Don't miss your life for work

27. Don't miss your life for workTwitter

Entering your 20s can be an exciting but challenging time, and seeking advice from those who have gone through it before can be invaluable. By learning from the experiences of others, you can navigate this decade with more confidence and clarity.

From personal finance and career development to building meaningful relationships and prioritizing self-care, there is a wealth of useful advice available. The Twitter thread sparked by @adrierising is just one example of how people can come together to share their knowledge and support each other.

Ultimately, remember that everyone's journey is unique, but by following some of the advice shared in this article, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling life in your 20s and beyond.
