50 Comedically Bad Haircuts Cats And Dogs Edition

Show them to your pets and remind them how good they have it

  • Published in Animals
50 Comedically Bad Haircuts Cats And Dogs Edition

There is no question that having pets bring joy into our lives. It is a privilege to take care of animals — emphasis on privilege because it is expensive to provide for our adorable little pets.

There is absolutely no question that devoted pet owners love their little buggers but man, do they put a dent in our monthly budget. We have to account for their food, vet visits, vitamins, and grooming.

Taking our pets to professional groomers is a must, especially for breeds that are on the more furry side. Each grooming appointment will set you back around $100 or more.

The frequency of those visits will of course vary on the kind of pet you have. Personally, my dog goes to the groomer every six weeks or so for hair maintenance.

Sure, I can learn to do it at home but I do not trust myself enough not to fail horribly. Not to toot my own horn, I did try to cut my dog's hair but it was an unpleasant experience for both of us.

I was covered in fur while he had to live with a hairstyle only a two-year-old with crafting scissors would be proud of. The professional groomer gave me grief when we went on our appointment and I've learned to trust them since then.

There are some owners who religiously take their pets to the grooming salon but still end up with terrible haircuts. These failed cuts are legendary and deserve all the attention.

1. Bet the manager had an earful after this cut

1. Bet the manager had an earful after this cutu/HopHeadRed34

2. Do you have any bottles that need thorough cleaning?

2. Do you have any bottles that need thorough cleaning?Tasha Malek

3. What 'ya lookin' at?

3. What 'ya lookin' at?u/mebeim

4. Your face after spring break

4. Your face after spring break@REALBURTIIS

5. Henry looks like he enjoys a six-pack every meal

5. Henry looks like he enjoys a six-pack every mealu/Twisted_NaeNae

6. He looks like a cross between a shaved turkey and a Husky

6. He looks like a cross between a shaved turkey and a Huskyu/lunarlilache

7. The third picture is the first time he saw himself

7. The third picture is the first time he saw himselfu/PyrateHooker

8. He can be a cast on The Lion King or Madagascar and no one would even look twice

8. He can be a cast on The Lion King or Madagascar and no one would even look twiceu/SonaSierra19

9. An owner's greatest pride is when their pet becomes a meme

9. An owner's greatest pride is when their pet becomes a memeu/amycleonard

10. Gonna have so much fun on the stairs!

10. Gonna have so much fun on the stairs!u/mazu74

11. No, it's not ready to talk about it yet

11. No, it's not ready to talk about it yetu/Couch_Licker

12. Experimental EP release at midnight

12. Experimental EP release at midnightu/dannygally

13. Is the dog named Alf?

13. Is the dog named Alf?u/thegreatesk

14. What were your instructions exactly?

14. What were your instructions exactly?u/phoriaa

15. It's like being naked with only socks and gloves on

15. It's like being naked with only socks and gloves onunknown

16. That's enough problem solving for today said the barber

16. That's enough problem solving for today said the barberu/ItsDaJman

17. Do ya'll live in a windmill?

17. Do ya'll live in a windmill?u/Inazumaryoku

18. These bodega cats look like they're in an off-off-off Broadway production of, well, Cats

18. These bodega cats look like they're in an off-off-off Broadway production of, well, Catsimaginaryerika

19. Does he make knives?

19. Does he make knives?u/dog-admin

20. I feel like leaving some of his hair is a cruel reminder of how cute he used to be

20. I feel like leaving some of his hair is a cruel reminder of how cute he used to be@lindsaymartin15

21. Ah! Avert your eyes!

21. Ah! Avert your eyes!u/GoMooGo

22. Was the haircut ever completed because this looks like a masterpriece already

22. Was the haircut ever completed because this looks like a masterpriece already@darbypumphrey

23. Tina Turner would be proud

23. Tina Turner would be proudbrysonthetoypoodl

24. 10 hours in deep existential crisis

24. 10 hours in deep existential crisisDV123

25. Nah, it's definitely about that hairdo

25. Nah, it's definitely about that hairdou/ELISE_B

26. Every art student at least once in their lives

26. Every art student at least once in their livesu/IAmTheMasterB4U

27. Inspired by matchsticks

27. Inspired by matchsticksjessicaopgenorth

28. The majestic fur is not going to grow the same way

28. The majestic fur is not going to grow the same wayu/CaligulasPeri

29. It looks like it got drunk, got naked, and slept at the wrong house

29. It looks like it got drunk, got naked, and slept at the wrong houseCamarade

30. The joy has left its eyes

30. The joy has left its eyesdiabolina_zwyczajna

31. That goatee rarely works on humans, what made you think it would look awesome on a dog?

31. That goatee rarely works on humans, what made you think it would look awesome on a dog?u/reconchrist

32. It feels wrong to see this

32. It feels wrong to see this@DelayniJohnson

33. Good to know that corgis remain thick without fur

33. Good to know that corgis remain thick without furu/dhdhk

34. Nope

34. Nopekekka65

35. The cat now has a real reason to be grumpy

35. The cat now has a real reason to be grumpyu/mmmel

36. Your cat sassed his way out of the salon

36. Your cat sassed his way out of the salonu/Exoticwombat

37. You will always be famous, blond dog

37. You will always be famous, blond dogu/nessman930

38. It's like they tried to make it look like a rabbit

38. It's like they tried to make it look like a rabbitryanspetsupplies

39. "I look hideous, don't I?"

39. sparkles.teacup.persian

40. Are you entitled to a refund if the haircut is this bad?

40. Are you entitled to a refund if the haircut is this bad?@chloerathburn

Look at the poor dog

Look at the poor dog@chloerathburn

41. When the artist is paid in exposure

41. When the artist is paid in exposuretupacohontas

42. "Leave me alone with my programs. I don't want to see anyone right now."

42. kekka65

43. Remember when you were a kid and your parents keep telling you you're good looking?

43. Remember when you were a kid and your parents keep telling you you're good looking?u/Re8jv24

44. Did she give the vet a piece of her mind?

44. Did she give the vet a piece of her mind?u/xellex

45. Look closely

45. Look closelyneveralonemama

46. Your dog belongs in a different era

46. Your dog belongs in a different erau/ChadAndBradsXbox

47. We've seen enough of them here

47. We've seen enough of them hereu/[deleted]

48. If you don't scroll down, the bad haircut won't be real

48. If you don't scroll down, the bad haircut won't be realu/externalkyuubi9

The least you can do is give the poor pup some treats after this bad cut

The least you can do is give the poor pup some treats after this bad cutu/externalkyuubi9

49. That bandana ain't fooling anybody

49. That bandana ain't fooling anybodyunbotheredcalvin

50. Safe to say that dog will remain inside the car until the fur grows back

50. Safe to say that dog will remain inside the car until the fur grows backthe_hops_project

Apparently, laughing at your pets after they get a terrible haircut can give them a complex. When they look this ridiculous, it's so hard not to laugh at them and take tons of photos to share with everyone you know.

We're supposed to reassure them that they're still the best boys or girls in our lives. Can we do it with a straight face? That's the real challenge.
