Teen Finds Dad's Dating Preferences Creepy And Contemplates Dating A Woman 20 Years Older Just To Show Him What It Looks Like

"Dad says her age was none of my business."

Teen Finds Dad's Dating Preferences Creepy And Contemplates Dating A Woman 20 Years Older Just To Show Him What It Looks Like

Age gaps in dating and relationships often spark controversy and debate due to the unique dynamics, challenges, and opportunities they introduce. One significant aspect to consider is the difference in maturity levels and life stages.

An older partner often has more life experience and might be at a different stage in life compared to the younger partner, who may still be figuring out their identity and future. This can result in differences in priorities, lifestyle preferences, and viewpoints, which can influence the relationship dynamics.

Another crucial element in relationships with a significant age gap is the potential for power imbalances. The older partner might be more financially stable, more emotionally mature, or have a more established social standing.

This can sometimes lead to an inadvertent or intentional power imbalance within the relationship, with the older partner dominating decisions and dynamics. However, it doesn't always work that way.

OP, an 18-year-old, is navigating a challenging situation where his 41-year-old father is engaged to a 20-year-old woman. This relationship was initially hidden due to the substantial age gap.

When she moved in, her overbearing and manipulative behavior made life uncomfortable for OP, culminating in her convincing his father to sell their house. Adding insult to injury, OP found out that she was only two years his senior, causing him to feel betrayed.

His father brushed off his concerns and, despite the family's disapproval, plans to marry her. Now, in a desperate attempt to show his father the impropriety of the situation, OP is contemplating dating someone his father's age, wondering if this would make him the bad guy.

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

OP, an 18-year-old male, is grappling with a complex familial situation. His father, aged 41, is engaged to a woman who is just 20, a mere two years older than OP.

OP, an 18-year-old male, is grappling with a complex familial situation. His father, aged 41, is engaged to a woman who is just 20, a mere two years older than OP.Reddit

OP made genuine efforts to familiarize his father's fiancee with their family dynamics, but their relationship soured soon after she moved into their house, post-engagement.

OP made genuine efforts to familiarize his father's fiancee with their family dynamics, but their relationship soured soon after she moved into their house, post-engagement.Reddit

e began dictating OP's actions and decisions, initially interpreted as a result of unfamiliar surroundings

e began dictating OP's actions and decisions, initially interpreted as a result of unfamiliar surroundingsReddit

his father dismissed his concerns, defending his fiancée's actions and disregarding the age issue.

his father dismissed his concerns, defending his fiancée's actions and disregarding the age issue.Reddit

Redditors feel for OP

Redditors feel for OPReddit

OPs father doesn't seem to care much that people think he is a creeper.

OPs father doesn't seem to care much that people think he is a creeper.Reddit

"You can't randomly try to woo someone to prove a point to your dad."


OP responded:

OP responded:Reddit

Sadly, this could be true

Sadly, this could be trueReddit

"Plant positive little seeds"


The fiancé is basically just a kid on a power trip

The fiancé is basically just a kid on a power tripReddit

How do her folks feel about this?

How do her folks feel about this?Reddit



The last thing OP needs is more creepiness

The last thing OP needs is more creepinessReddit

Interesting plan:

Interesting plan:Reddit

How about an intervention?

How about an intervention?Reddit



This is interesting:

This is interesting:Reddit

"Always try to be the bigger person, rise above it."


Predatory, and not just exhibiting "poor judgment"

Predatory, and not just exhibiting Reddit

The age gap in this situation is notable and complex. The father, aged 41, is engaged to a woman who is just 20 years old, two years older than OP. T

his means there is a significant 21-year age difference between the father and his fiancee, which is a concern for many in the family. On the other hand, the age difference between OP and his father's fiancee is minimal, just two years, blurring traditional boundaries and causing discomfort for OP.
