Woman Seeks Online Advice After Discovering Boyfriend's Depressed Roommate Sabotaged Their Condoms

"Do we take the risk of reporting him?"

Woman Seeks Online Advice After Discovering Boyfriend's Depressed Roommate Sabotaged Their Condoms

We've all done it: ridicule ourselves in front of others for amusement or point out what we believe to be a fault to a partner or friend in the hopes that they will disagree. While little self-deprecation might simply be a means of communication and a form of humor, engaging in excessive self-deprecation can be an indication of a more serious problem.

It could be time to dig further if you catch yourself using self-deprecating language, being critical of yourself or others, or not holding yourself in high regard. This is the case we see in today's story.

You see, self-depreciation may only be a sign of one's internal state among those who battle anxiety, despair, loneliness, or other mental health obstacles. Also, it can become a lens through which depressive people view the world because tragedy, disappointment, and failure stand out against happy life events.

One of the roommates of the OP's boyfriend, Patrick, is very socially awkward and extremely self-deprecating. Patrick will stare at walls for hours doesn't really get social cues too well, but is extremely intelligent.

OP's boyfriend gave him some condoms because he asked for them, only for the OP to find out later on that someone had poked holes in all the remaining condoms. Of course, there was only one suspect, so the OP and the boyfriend marched down to Patrick's room to confront him, but guess what?

He denied it and walked away. Read the entire story below.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/religiousroomie

This roommate would stare at walls for hours, doesn't really get social cues too well, but is extremely intelligent

This roommate would stare at walls for hours, doesn't really get social cues too well, but is extremely intelligentReddit/religiousroomie

The OP pulled out the condom and inspected it, sure enough there were holes

The OP pulled out the condom and inspected it, sure enough there were holesReddit/religiousroomie

The OP is concerned that he might do more to hurt her or her BF, or damage more property

The OP is concerned that he might do more to hurt her or her BF, or damage more propertyReddit/religiousroomie

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/religiousroomie

Informing the other roommates of Pat's unsafe behavior

Informing the other roommates of Pat's unsafe behaviorReddit/religiousroomie

It's obvious he lacks boundaries and has poor impulse control

It's obvious he lacks boundaries and has poor impulse controlReddit/religiousroomie

The OP revealed this piece of information in the comments

Yeah, we can't prove that he did it, although he all but admitted it in his body language. If only that was enough. Kyle is very non-confrontational, but maybe telling someone about Patrick's mental health would be in order. I have depression, I get that, but I think Patrick's far worse off. I know he's on a cocktail of medications, but I don't know what for.

The OP should warn the other four guys as well

The OP should warn the other four guys as wellReddit/religiousroomie

The boyfriend suggesting that Pat might need a counselor

The boyfriend suggesting that Pat might need a counselorReddit/religiousroomie

This redditor wouldn't trust someone who could do something like that

This redditor wouldn't trust someone who could do something like thatReddit/religiousroomie

Yes, you are a sack of human garbage

Yes, you are a sack of human garbageReddit/religiousroomie

Some religious schools take their honor codes seriously

Some religious schools take their honor codes seriouslyReddit/religiousroomie

You can probably see how this point of view might demoralize and demotivate people. When we are preoccupied with all that is wrong, it is difficult to desire to get involved in the community and make a difference or to feel good about ourselves.

Many redditors agreed that the Patrick guy sounds like he's potentially a serious danger to anyone around him. Do leave your own advice for the OP in the comments below.
