Redditor Gets Ripped Online After Seeking Validation For Assuming Her SIL Would Look After Her Kids During Their Family Trip

"They are not obligated to help you with your kids."

Redditor Gets Ripped Online After Seeking Validation For Assuming Her SIL Would Look After Her Kids During Their Family Trip

Family vacations can be exhausting, especially when young kids are in tow. So, it's always handy to have family members around to help out.

But, what happens when you assume that said family members will be there to help you, but actually, they just want to do their own thing? Well, that's exactly what Reddit user u/Final-Sheepherder-17 posted about in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit recently.

The OP explained that she and her husband decided to take their two children to Disney World for four days. She said that since she and her husband are "not in the best shape," they invited her SIL and her husband along, assuming they would help with the kids.

But things didn't quite work out the way the OP had hoped. She explained that while they visited some attractions all together on the first day, after that her SIL wanted to do other things with her husband.

On the second day, the OP says her SIL went out drinking with her husband, and when they met up for dinner, they were "clearly very tipsy" in front of the kids. Later that night, the OP confronted her SIL and asked if they were planning on spending any time with the family for the rest of the trip.

The OP told her SIL that they "could use the help" running around after the kids at the amusement parks. But OP's SIL said she didn't take time off work to come away and be their babysitter.

For the next two days, the OP didn't speak with her SIL or her husband at all. And, when they got home, the OP says she was so upset that she emailed her immediate family members to tell them what had happened.

Well, the OP didn't quite receive the validation she was hoping for. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP asked if she is an a**hole for emailing her family about her SIL's behavior on vacation.

The OP asked if she is an a**hole for emailing her family about her SIL's behavior on vacation.Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

The OP invited her SIL on a trip to Disneyland with their kids and "assumed" they would spend all of their time together.

The OP invited her SIL on a trip to Disneyland with their kids and Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

The OP was upset that on one of the days, her SIL and her husband were "clearly very tipsy" in front of the kids.

The OP was upset that on one of the days, her SIL and her husband were Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

When the OP asked her SIL if she would be spending more time with the kids, her SIL said she didn't come on the trip to be their babysitter.

When the OP asked her SIL if she would be spending more time with the kids, her SIL said she didn't come on the trip to be their babysitter.Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

The OP was so upset that she sent an email to the family saying she would be limiting contact with her SIL after this.

The OP was so upset that she sent an email to the family saying she would be limiting contact with her SIL after this.Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

However, the OP didn't quite get the validation from her husband's family that she was hoping for.

However, the OP didn't quite get the validation from her husband's family that she was hoping for.Reddit/Final-Sheepherder-17

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/ashleyrwells00

"Your kids are your responsibilities."


"SIL knew exactly what you were about."


"OP is the AH on so many levels."


Okay, but was OP going to pay for SIL?

Okay, but was OP going to pay for SIL?Reddit/chippychips4t

"The entitlement here!"


Yep, YTA.

Yep, YTA.Reddit/Mindless_Selection33

"Get a grip."


"Real piece of work."


"You only invited them as free labor."




"They are not obligated to help you with your kids."


"If anyone ruined your children's trip, it was you!"


"Your attitude ruined it for yourself."




So, what's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP was acting entitled by expecting her SIL to help out with the kids on vacation, or was it a reasonable assumption?

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
