Man Kills Extremely Abusive Father-In-Law In Self Defense With A Frying Pan, Then Brings One To His Funeral

"The MIL saw him and immediately started screaming "You killed my husband! Murderer! I hope your children get ra*ed in front of you!""

Man Kills Extremely Abusive Father-In-Law In Self Defense With A Frying Pan, Then Brings One To His Funeral

When family gatherings meet unresolved tensions, the result can be a spectacle, as one Redditor experienced firsthand. The Redditor offered to take their mother to a relative's funeral, partly to catch up with a favorite aunt.

The atmosphere was already tense; the deceased cousin had died in a domestic dispute, during which he'd tried to strangle his son-in-law. The son-in-law had defended himself, hitting the father-in-law with a frying pan, causing the man to fall down the stairs and eventually die from his injuries.

The funeral started off normally enough, but the late cousin's son-in-law showed up with a shopping bag. When questioned by his wife, he enigmatically told her, "Don't worry about it." It wasn't long before the mourners discovered what was in the bag.

As the widow of the deceased launched into a vitriolic tirade against her son-in-law, calling him a murderer, he calmly walked up to the casket, got her attention, and placed a frying pan on it, saying, "He can have this to remember me by in hell."

Chaos ensued. The widow tried to attack her son-in-law but was held back by several attendees. Then, in a jaw-dropping moment, the daughter threw the frying pan at her mother, striking her in the face.

As the couple left the funeral home, many applauded them; the deceased had few sympathizers in the room. The Redditor ended the tale by revealing that they, along with their mother and several others, went out for lunch with the couple, even buying a bottle of Tennessee Fire for the husband.

They described it as the "Best Labor Day weekend of my life." Read the full story below:

The cousin on OP's mother's side has sadly passed away, so OP offered to take the mother to the funeral home and to meet a favorite aunt from another state

The cousin on OP's mother's side has sadly passed away, so OP offered to take the mother to the funeral home and to meet a favorite aunt from another stateReddit

The passing of a family member resulted from an unusual convergence of events.

The passing of a family member resulted from an unusual convergence of events.Reddit

The son-in-law arrives at the funeral carrying a symbolic "present" for the person who has passed away.

The son-in-law arrives at the funeral carrying a symbolic Reddit

The atmosphere grows more and more strained as the funeral proceeds, and later, the daughter openly challenges the mother. They leave the funeral with a striking and theatrical style

The atmosphere grows more and more strained as the funeral proceeds, and later, the daughter openly challenges the mother. They leave the funeral with a striking and theatrical styleReddit

"Frying Pan of Doom."


Jerry Springer-like situation

Jerry Springer-like situationReddit


He went from the frying pan into the fire...

He went from the frying pan into the fire...Reddit

Is abusing the abuser okay?

Is abusing the abuser okay?Reddit

Redditors would like to know where did this happen, and they already suspect it was down south...

Redditors would like to know where did this happen, and they already suspect it was down south...Reddit

It was all very Jerry Springerish, but...

It was all very Jerry Springerish, but...Reddit

And it would make a great movie...

And it would make a great movie...Reddit

Well, this was some story. Let's call this what it is: a Shakespearean-level family drama with deep-rooted issues that found a public and shocking stage for expression.

Sometimes, funerals are not just a time for mourning; they can serve as a catalyst for confrontations that have long been simmering below the surface.

And while many might debate the appropriateness of the couple's actions, what's clear is that this funeral will be talked about for years to come. What do you think?
