Redditor Faces Verbal Abuse From Roommate For Asking Friend Not To Bring Their Aggressive Service Dog Again

"My roommate has quit speaking to me and is being extremely passive aggressive"

Redditor Faces Verbal Abuse From Roommate For Asking Friend Not To Bring Their Aggressive Service Dog Again

A service dog is a specially trained dog to assist individuals with disabilities, helping them to lead more independent lives. These dogs go through rigorous training to learn specific tasks tailored to the owner's needs.

Service dogs improve the quality of life for many individuals and are legally protected in many countries. They can also access places where pets are usually not allowed.

Recently, a Reddit user faced an issue with a not properly socialized service dog, and that caused her other problems, so she wanted some advice regarding her matter. The OP said she lives in a small house with a roommate, Y.

Her roommate has pets, while the OP doesn't. To support Y's education and due to financial constraints, the OP let Y live with her at a significantly reduced rent.

Meanwhile, the OP's fiancé, who was supposed to move in, delayed it due to his family issues, but he will join them in 4 days. However, tension appears as Y has become passive-aggressive and non-communicative with the OP.

The source of this conflict is their mutual friend, H. H has a large service dog for her anxiety, but the dog has behavioral issues.

This dog recently bit the OP, causing her a notable injury. While H was apologetic, Y felt the incident was the OP's fault.

So, the OP asked H not to bring the dog over anymore. H agreed, but the roommate was upset because she believed it was a decision they were supposed to discuss and jointly decide.

Now, the OP is in a dilemma as Y contributes minimally to the household, financially and in terms of chores. She wants her fiance's transition into the home to be smooth and drama-free but is unsure how to handle the situation with Y.

Here is the OP's dilemma:

Here is the OP's dilemma:Reddit

The OP explained her roommate is giving her unnecessary tension:

The OP explained her roommate is giving her unnecessary tension:Reddit

Their mutual friend's dog bit the OP, so she asked her not to bring him again:

Their mutual friend's dog bit the OP, so she asked her not to bring him again:Reddit

But the roommate is upset, believing they should have discussed the OP's decision together:

But the roommate is upset, believing they should have discussed the OP's decision together:Reddit

So, the OP is seeking advice on how to handle this matter:

So, the OP is seeking advice on how to handle this matter:Reddit

"I vote to evict the girl"


Service dogs shouldn't bite

Service dogs shouldn't biteReddit

A Reddit user said he was also bitten by an emotional support animal

A Reddit user said he was also bitten by an emotional support animalReddit

"Actual service dogs are required to be properly trained."


She could have reported the animal and sent it to the shelter

She could have reported the animal and sent it to the shelterReddit

"The idea of taking a vote is ridiculous"


"Research your local laws, and evict her properly"


Redditors agreed that the OP is not in the wrong here. She could have reported the dog, and he would end up in the shelter.

So, the OP chose the better option and asked their mutual friend not to bring him again. As for her roommate's childish behavior concerns, the OP should research her local laws and evict her properly.

The roommate doesn't have the right to decide in this situation because she wasn't the one who got bitten.
