Redditor Creeped Out By Landlord Acting Like Mom, Deals With Early Curfews And Loud Door Alarm That Activates Whenever Door Opens

"She also insists I have my schoolmates over for dinner so she can meet them."

Redditor Creeped Out By Landlord Acting Like Mom, Deals With Early Curfews And Loud Door Alarm That Activates Whenever Door Opens

In a certain Reddit post from the r/relationships subreddit, we are thrust into the perplexing world of a tenant whose landlord behaves more like a mother figure, resulting in an increasingly uncomfortable living situation.

The story begins with the tenant, OP, initially excited about renting a room from a woman and her preteen son, who appeared sweet and welcoming. However, things quickly take a strange turn as the landlord begins displaying a level of familiarity that the tenant finds unsettling.

The landlord's behavior includes insisting on being informed of OP's whereabouts and inviting them to family meals, even referring to the tenant as her son's "big sister."

The situation escalates when the landlord imposes an early curfew of 8:30 PM (9 PM on weekends) and installs loud alarms on the doors to prevent disturbances. While OP understands the need for peace and quiet, the manner in which this curfew is introduced raises concerns.

OP feels constrained, especially given their demanding schedule due to intensive studies, extracurricular activities, and a potential part-time job. The landlord's lack of understanding regarding OP's commitments adds to the tension.

In response, OP seeks ways to avoid the curfew, such as staying with school friends and returning home in the morning. However, the landlord disapproves of these arrangements, expressing concerns about OP's safety and insisting on meeting the tenant's friends.

OP is left feeling overwhelmed and intruded upon, grappling with the landlord's expectation of them fitting into a role they are not comfortable with. While alternatives to the living situation are explored, they face challenges due to the advanced stage of the semester and financial constraints.

Just take a look at the original post and comments...

OP rents a room with a woman and her preteen son. The problem: the former has started to act like she's OP's own mom.

OP rents a room with a woman and her preteen son. The problem: the former has started to act like she's OP's own mom.Reddit

She instituted an 8:30 curfew and installed loud alarms on doors to prevent disruptions. She then started making some comments about a foreign exchange program, implying that she wanted to kick OP out.

She instituted an 8:30 curfew and installed loud alarms on doors to prevent disruptions. She then started making some comments about a foreign exchange program, implying that she wanted to kick OP out.Reddit

OP's main issue is obtaining control over the alarm system to avoid disturbing her, as their hectic schedule, including classes and part-time work, clashes with the early curfew.

OP's main issue is obtaining control over the alarm system to avoid disturbing her, as their hectic schedule, including classes and part-time work, clashes with the early curfew.Reddit

They have conflicting schedules, with OP needing to work and study extensively, while the landlord is a stay-at-home mom.

They have conflicting schedules, with OP needing to work and study extensively, while the landlord is a stay-at-home mom.Reddit

OP has been staying with friends due to the early curfew, but the mother's requests to meet their friends and concerns about safety are uncomfortable.

Finding a new place is hard, leaving OP unsure about how to handle the situation.

Scroll on to see what people had to say!

OP has been staying with friends due to the early curfew, but the mother's requests to meet their friends and concerns about safety are uncomfortable.Reddit

Here's a TLDR:

Here's a TLDR:Reddit

This situation sounds like the start of a bad Lifetime movie plot.

This situation sounds like the start of a bad Lifetime movie plot.Reddit

The landlord's controlling tendencies are getting as dramatic as a movie script.

The landlord's controlling tendencies are getting as dramatic as a movie script.Reddit

"You gotta move out."


But that's so weird...

But that's so weird...Reddit

Even a 9 PM weekend curfew is excessive for a 15-year-old, let alone a young adult.

Even a 9 PM weekend curfew is excessive for a 15-year-old, let alone a young adult.Reddit

Regardless, it's still unreasonable.

Regardless, it's still unreasonable.Reddit

A weekend curfew at 9 PM for a young adult is just unreal!

A weekend curfew at 9 PM for a young adult is just unreal!Reddit

Seems like the foreign exchange program could be the escape plan here.

Seems like the foreign exchange program could be the escape plan here.Reddit

Indeed, the situation seems far from ordinary. Moving out might be the best move to regain a sense of normalcy and personal space.

Indeed, the situation seems far from ordinary. Moving out might be the best move to regain a sense of normalcy and personal space.Reddit

Given the landlord's overstepping, it might be advisable for OP to seek a new place before the landlord decides on the foreign exchange program.

Given the landlord's overstepping, it might be advisable for OP to seek a new place before the landlord decides on the foreign exchange program.Reddit

If the curfew's not in the lease, OP has the upper hand. It's time to assert their rights and disarm that alarm code from the landlord.

If the curfew's not in the lease, OP has the upper hand. It's time to assert their rights and disarm that alarm code from the landlord.Reddit

The month-to-month lease is indeed a potential hurdle. OP should consider negotiating or finding a new place to avoid the landlord's overbearing behavior.

The month-to-month lease is indeed a potential hurdle. OP should consider negotiating or finding a new place to avoid the landlord's overbearing behavior.Reddit

The eviction rules vary by state, so OP should definitely check the local laws to see if they have any protection against an eviction in this situation.

The eviction rules vary by state, so OP should definitely check the local laws to see if they have any protection against an eviction in this situation.Reddit

Month-to-month leases allow either party to give one month's notice, providing flexibility in this situation. Tenant's got some options to consider!

Month-to-month leases allow either party to give one month's notice, providing flexibility in this situation. Tenant's got some options to consider!Reddit

This situation is undeniably bizarre, with the landlord steadily encroaching on the tenant's life and vice versa.

This situation is undeniably bizarre, with the landlord steadily encroaching on the tenant's life and vice versa.Reddit

OP's approach seems like the perfect script for resolving the situation while maintaining respect and boundaries.

OP's approach seems like the perfect script for resolving the situation while maintaining respect and boundaries.Reddit

Once OP decides to move, the landlord's reaction may include shock, blame, or attempts to negotiate.

Once OP decides to move, the landlord's reaction may include shock, blame, or attempts to negotiate.Reddit

It does have that eerie setup, doesn't it?

It does have that eerie setup, doesn't it?Reddit

Assertiveness is key here! A clear statement of boundaries and an exit plan should help OP steer clear of this overbearing role-reversal situation.

Assertiveness is key here! A clear statement of boundaries and an exit plan should help OP steer clear of this overbearing role-reversal situation.Reddit

Couch surfing might just be the more appealing option until the semester ends!

Couch surfing might just be the more appealing option until the semester ends!Reddit

The situation is beyond overstepping; it's absurd.

The situation is beyond overstepping; it's absurd.Reddit

OP should assert themselves and find a better living arrangement.

OP should assert themselves and find a better living arrangement.Reddit

"She's a freakin nut case..."


Boundaries, boundaries!

Boundaries, boundaries!Reddit

"She's crazy."


This situation definitely paints a vivid picture of a boundary-crossing landlord-tenant relationship, leaving readers to ponder the complexities of asserting one's independence in shared living spaces. Do you have a similar story to share?

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