Man Punches Child In The Nose For Groping His Girlfriend, Then Proceeds To Rip Into His Mom For Not Teaching Her Son To Respect Women

"Obviously it is wrong to hit a kid, but this kid was old enough to know right from wrong."

Man Punches Child In The Nose For Groping His Girlfriend, Then Proceeds To Rip Into His Mom For Not Teaching Her Son To Respect Women

Imagine a tranquil afternoon at the mall, window shopping with your girlfriend. It's a scene of everyday simplicity, the sort of moments we take for granted until something extraordinary shakes us to our core.

This was precisely what happened when a young boy, just around 11 or 12, disrupted the peace with an act so disrespectful, so shocking, that it raised eyebrows and heated tempers.

OP and his girlfriend were absolutely horrified when a young boy proceeded to grope the young lady. And you best believe that OP reacted.

In an instant, OP hit the little boy on his nose, which got him crying and screaming. This prompted the boy's mother to threaten to call the police, but OP was more concerned about lecturing the woman on her failure to raise her son to respect women.

The scene certainly attracted the attention of on-lookers, but everyone seemed to watch in awe. What could have prompted a grown man to take out such anger on a little boy?

When OP got home, he took some time to ponder on the situation and was left feeling bad that he hit a child. However, he took solace in the fact that he was protecting his girlfriend from sexual abuse.

Check out the full details of the story below.

The story in detail

The story in

OP's girlfriend was groped by a kid while they were out together, which led him to punch the boy on his nose

OP's girlfriend was groped by a kid while they were out together, which led him to punch the boy on his

The boy's mom started threatening to call the police, but OP was certainly not sorry for what he did. He later left the scene with his girlfriend, and now he wants the Reddit community's opinion on the matter

The boy's mom started threatening to call the police, but OP was certainly not sorry for what he did. He later left the scene with his girlfriend, and now he wants the Reddit community's opinion on the

Let's find out the verdict of the Reddit community on this matter:

"It seems like it was on instinct, and imho it's justified either way"

"NTB he assaulted and you defended. His was sexual and could get him in far more trouble than they realize"

"That kid assaulted your girlfriend, and he should have been punished"

"It was kinda harsh, but he had it coming. It will surely make him rethink his actions."

"There are better ways to handle things like this than beating up a child"

"I don't know how old you are, but if you're an adult couldn't you be charged for assault on a minor??"

"Better bet would have been to grab him and make him loudly apologise"

"Since you’re the adult (I’m assuming?), you should know better than to be hitting people, especially children"

A number of commenters are on OP's side on this one. A section feels that it was an instinctive reaction to protect his girlfriend and that such an act is unacceptable, even for a minor.

On the other hand, some commenters feel that delivering such damage to a minor was too far. In their opinion, OP could have handled it much better, especially because he's an adult.

In all, there's no doubt that the little boy's mother has a lot of work to do concerning her child, as such behavior could manifest later in adulthood if it's not nipped in the bud.

How would you have reacted if you were in OP's shoes? Share your thoughts with us.
