Redditor Calls CPS On Neighbors Who Constantly Dump Their Kids On Her And Her Roommates

"That's just flat out parental neglect."

Redditor Calls CPS On Neighbors Who Constantly Dump Their Kids On Her And Her Roommates

Every parent needs a break sometimes. So, it's only natural to ask a trusted person to babysit now and then.

But what happens when that "now and then" becomes constant and unwelcome? Well, Reddit user u/Lanky-Studio5874 recently shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit on this exact topic.

The OP explained that she and her three roommates - Casey, Nellie, and Hannah - share an apartment, along with Hannah's eight-month-old daughter. Their neighbors - John and Jane - have a set of one-year-old twins who they often bring over for playdates with Hannah's daughter.

However, recently things have been getting out of hand with John and Jane using the playdates as an excuse to dump their children on Hannah and her roommates for hours at a time without even answering their phones. The OP says she has no problem looking after the kids sometimes, but they all have busy lives and have often had to be late to work or school because they couldn't get hold of John and Jane, which is a problem.

The final straw was when the OP and her roommates were getting ready to go out, and John stopped them, saying he needed Hannah to look after the twins so that he could go and see a movie. The OP told him they were not babysitters, and if he dumped the kids on them again without being reachable, they would call social services.

John's response was to call them "a bunch of spineless leeches," and the other neighbors in the building sided with him. In a later update, the OP said they did, in fact, end up calling CPS on John and Jane.

Now, the OP and her roommates are planning to move as soon as their lease is up. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for telling her neighbor that she and her roommates aren't babysitters.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for telling her neighbor that she and her roommates aren't babysitters.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

She explained that her neighbors have one-year-old twins and will often dump them on the OP and her roommates.

She explained that her neighbors have one-year-old twins and will often dump them on the OP and her roommates.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

The OP says that the neighbors are often uncontactable when they leave their kids with them.

The OP says that the neighbors are often uncontactable when they leave their kids with them.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

Recently, the neighbors stopped the OP and her roommates as they were going out and said they needed them to watch the kids so they could go to a movie.

Recently, the neighbors stopped the OP and her roommates as they were going out and said they needed them to watch the kids so they could go to a movie.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

The OP told them they are not babysitters and will call social services if they dump their kids and become unreachable again.

The OP told them they are not babysitters and will call social services if they dump their kids and become unreachable again.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

In an update, the OP said they did call CPS on the neighbors and have been avoiding them ever since.

In an update, the OP said they did call CPS on the neighbors and have been avoiding them ever since.Reddit/Lanky-Studio584

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/Wobblingoblin01

"It's completely unacceptable."


"Bold words from someone who dumps their kids on unsuspecting neighbors."


Classic projection!

Classic projection!Reddit/AffectionateCable793

"Not your responsibility."


Shut it down!

Shut it down!Reddit/Lisbei



"I'd stop dealing with them."


"Good for you!"


"You're literally being taken advantage of."


"That's just flat out parental neglect."


"Of course NTA."




Perhaps cameras are in order.

Perhaps cameras are in order.Reddit/iwishiwasjosiesmom

"They really needed to be told."


What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP overreacted or was her reaction entirely warranted considering John and Jane's negligence?

It certainly seems that John and Jane have very little respect for the OP and her roommates. Not to mention a lack of responsibility.

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
