Redditors Share 20 Individuals With Advanced Degrees Who Are The Dumbest Smart People They've Met

"My job wouldn't have existed if having a Ph.D. meant you could figure out technology."

Redditors Share 20 Individuals With Advanced Degrees Who Are The Dumbest Smart People They've Met

Earning a doctorate in your chosen field of expertise is a grueling task. The coursework alone takes two years to undertake.

Not to mention the time it takes to research, write, and defend a dissertation. That is the ideal timeline without factoring in general life obstacles that pop up along the way.

This is to illustrate how relentless and intelligent a person has to be to reach the pinnacle of the academic food chain. However, a Ph.D. is not the sole measure of a person's intellect.

It takes a lot more than a title to succeed in today's society. Practical knowledge in all areas of life is the better measure of a person's capacity.

Sadly, some people with master's and doctorate degrees fall short of this measure. They were too focused on sharpening their intellect that they overlooked other important life skills.

Such individuals were the topic of a recent popular Reddit discussion. A Redditor asked the others to share their encounters with the dumbest smart people in their lives.

The discussion was lively, and it really highlighted the phrase "judging a fish by its ability to climb." It was a nice reminder that even the smartest people could act like idiots from time to time when placed in unfamiliar scenarios.

In the words of the great Richard Feynman, "You can have a Ph.D., and still be an idiot."

In the words of the great Richard Feynman, u/SgtSkillcraft

1. A person with a doctorate bravely admitted to their failing in all the other parts of life

1. A person with a doctorate bravely admitted to their failing in all the other parts of lifewolfdisguisedashuman

2. A diabetic chemist who proclaimed the sugar contents in a ginger ale and grape juice canceled each other out

2. A diabetic chemist who proclaimed the sugar contents in a ginger ale and grape juice canceled each other outmctacoflurry

3. A molecular biologist that led other people into becoming HIV/AIDS denialist

3. A molecular biologist that led other people into becoming HIV/AIDS denialistmrcatboy

4. If you're so much better than a community college graduate, how come you ended up having the same job?

4. If you're so much better than a community college graduate, how come you ended up having the same job?Ontopourmama

5. So, you just pressed the buttons and the people inside mixed the drink for you?

5. So, you just pressed the buttons and the people inside mixed the drink for you?onesmilematters

6. Have you tried submerging your diploma in rice for 24 hours?

6. Have you tried submerging your diploma in rice for 24 hours?jurassicbond

7. It's supposed to plug itself in!

7. It's supposed to plug itself in!Turbogato

8. She was probably too busy figuring out the mechanism in the steering wheel

8. She was probably too busy figuring out the mechanism in the steering wheelcarcassandra

9. Smoke means the engine is healing, genius

9. Smoke means the engine is healing, geniusgogojack

10. They wanted to flex everything they learned, but forgot the most important step

10. They wanted to flex everything they learned, but forgot the most important stepReiseoftheginger

11. Watching him play politics truly changed my opinion of him

11. Watching him play politics truly changed my opinion of himAdmiralAkbar1, panaknuckles

12. His handwriting hides the fact that he can't spell

12. His handwriting hides the fact that he can't spelldacekrandac

13. Makes you wonder how do they not get injured more frequently

13. Makes you wonder how do they not get injured more frequentlyRay_Ray_86

14. Sorry, we can't accelerate particles today, Mercury is in retrograde

14. Sorry, we can't accelerate particles today, Mercury is in retrogradeDieKunstder

15. The same person who pulls on a door with a sign that says "Push."

15. The same person who pulls on a door with a sign that says RumBunBun

16. Children are like plants, obviously

16. Children are like plants, obviouslyRetroDad-IO

17. Duh, that's how a circuit works

17. Duh, that's how a circuit worksacheron53

18. Money is more important than integrity and the oath you promised to uphold

18. Money is more important than integrity and the oath you promised to upholdbrighter_hell

19. Everyone knows ketchup is the leading cause of arthritis

19. Everyone knows ketchup is the leading cause of arthritisImnotUK

20. He has no space in his big brain for things that are not important like instant ramen cooking instructions

20. He has no space in his big brain for things that are not important like instant ramen cooking instructionsAnonbsnono

Well, this was an interesting list. People are smart in different ways.

An advanced degree doesn't make you better than an average person. We highly recommend reading through the entire post for some of the answers that didn't make this list. Ah, Ph.D.s, they're just like us!
