Redditor Catches Roommate Trying To Force Himself On Girl, But No One In Their Friend Group Is Buying The Story

"I informed my other roommate about what I saw, but she doesn't believe Paul can hurt a fly."

Redditor Catches Roommate Trying To Force Himself On Girl, But No One In Their Friend Group Is Buying The Story

Roommate relationships are built on trust and shared experiences. So, imagine the horror of witnessing your roommate potentially crossing a line that shakes the very foundations of that trust.

That's exactly what happened when one individual observed his roommate, Paul, in a concerning situation late one night.

Having returned from a night out, our narrator (OP) heard a female voice repeatedly saying, “No.” Peeping through his window, he witnessed Paul and a girl in a situation that was uncomfortable at best.

Paul was insistent on kissing her, holding the girl by her wrists even as she attempted to pull away. Disturbingly, he tried to manipulate the situation using lines like, "Stacy chose you out for me," and the deceptive, "It's my birthday."

OP, shocked and troubled, confronted Paul the next day about what had happened. In order to get Paul to cooperate, he decided to approach the situation with concern rather than aggression. But instead of genuine remorse, Paul became a little too defensive.

Later on, OP confided in another roommate, Rachel, in hopes that she would approach Paul for more clarity on his actions. But Rachel's dismissive response was deeply disheartening. In fact, she defended Paul, stating that sometimes girls say no without actually meaning it.

Now OP is in a dilemma: Is he just overreacting, or is this a clear case of attempted rape that needs to be checkmated before anyone gets hurt?

The story in detail

The story in

OP noticed some strange noise coming from inside his house

OP noticed some strange noise coming from inside his

Apparently, OP’s roommate, Paul, was making out with a girl inside the room. But it seemed Paul was forcing himself on her

Apparently, OP’s roommate, Paul, was making out with a girl inside the room. But it seemed Paul was forcing himself on

A little background on Paul

A little background on

The next morning, OP confronted Paul about the incident. But Paul became defensive about it

The next morning, OP confronted Paul about the incident. But Paul became defensive about

Ever since the incident, OP’s perception of Paul has totally changed

Ever since the incident, OP’s perception of Paul has totally

A few more days passed and OP had another conversation with Racheal about the incident. To his surprise, Racheal doesn’t seem to believe him

A few more days passed and OP had another conversation with  Racheal about the incident. To his surprise, Racheal doesn’t seem to believe

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“You're a good guy for calling him out and telling people, and I think you should bring this up with Stacy.“

“You're a good guy for calling him out and telling people, and I think you should bring this up with Stacy.“

“This is tough, but absolutely you did the right thing by talking to him.”

“This is tough, but absolutely you did the right thing by talking to him.”

“Next time, don't wait until there's a physical struggle. Guaranteed the next girl will be thankful.“

“Next time, don't wait until there's a physical struggle. Guaranteed the next girl will be thankful.“

“I don't really have advice other to distance yourself from these people.”

“I don't really have advice other to distance yourself from these people.”

The Reddit community has applauded OP for standing up for what’s right and calling out Paul for his unacceptable behavior. It’s sad that Racheal didn’t see the need to dig deeper into the matter but rather brush it off like a non-issue.

Regardless, the commenters have advised OP to take it up with Stacy. Though everyone describes Paul as a quiet guy who doesn’t approach girls, it seems he has some vile tendencies that need to be checked now before anyone gets hurt.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
