Redditor Gives Roommate Ultimatum To Vacate Their Shared Apartment Over Unpaid Rent, Gets Threatened With Legal Action

'I feel that I've tried to be kind, but I've just had my boundaries stepped on over and over again."

Redditor Gives Roommate Ultimatum To Vacate Their Shared Apartment Over Unpaid Rent, Gets Threatened With Legal Action

We've all heard stories of roommates gone rogue, but what happens when empathy and patience are tested to their limits? We found a relatable tale on the r/ChoosingBeggars subreddit, which narrates a Redditor's experience with a roommate who seemingly believes in the "live now, pay later" mantra.

Having a roommate is often a rite of passage. From shared bills to shared memories, it's a relationship that can be as fulfilling as it is challenging. However, the scales tip when one party refuses to uphold their end of the bargain, as was the case with our narrator's (OP) roommate

OP explained that their roommate, who has been jobless for four months, was currently 3 months behind his share of the rent. While OP was lenient enough to give him time, his lackadaisical attitude towards job hunting gave OP the feeling that he was taking their kindness for granted.

This pushed OP to threaten the roommate with eviction, thus triggering him to take job-hunting more seriously. Despite his "late efforts," OP was already convinced that he had no real plan to pay off his debts.

Interestingly, debts were merely one side of this roommate's frustrating side. He had a habit of being nonchalant towards household chores, often needing constant reminders to contribute to the cleanliness of the house.

What made this more annoying was that OP, despite a grueling 70-hour work week, managed their responsibilities with diligence. This disparity created tension, and the roommate's entitlement only added fuel to the fire.

So the question arises: Should OP keep trusting their roommate despite failed promises, or is it finally time to part ways for good?

The story in detail

The story in

A little background

A little

OP has also accused their roommate of being negligent with chores around the house

OP has also accused their roommate of being negligent with chores around the

OP doesn’t believe their roommate is doing enough to pay his own half of the rent. Consequently, they might ask him to move out

OP doesn’t believe their roommate is doing enough to pay his own half of the rent. Consequently, they might ask him to move

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“Start inviting new potential tenants in to view the place. That ought to put the fear of homelessness in him.”

“Start inviting new potential tenants in to view the place. That ought to put the fear of homelessness in him.”

“Look for a new apartment that you can afford on your own or find another roomie to help pay rent.”

“Look for a new apartment that you can afford on your own or find another roomie to help pay rent.”

“Go to a lawyer, and speak to your apartment manager. See if you can serve them notice of eviction.“

“Go to a lawyer, and speak to your apartment manager. See if you can serve them notice of eviction.“

“Your roommate can get a job at McDonald’s today.”

“Your roommate can get a job at McDonald’s today.”

“I'd seriously consider putting them out & driving them to a pawnshop to raise some cash to square things.“

“I'd seriously consider putting them out & driving them to a pawnshop to raise some cash to square things.“

“Let this be a lesson learned and don’t let someone be 3 months late on rent.”

“Let this be a lesson learned and don’t let someone be 3 months late on rent.”

“Why would you put up with this trash roommate? Tell him to gtfo and get a new roommate in.“

“Why would you put up with this trash roommate? Tell him to gtfo and get a new roommate in.“

Important update


The Reddit community has slammed OP’s roommate for being so nonchalant about their financial obligations. They are quite surprised that OP even let this go on for three whole months.

The verdict of this matter is clear: Pay up or move out! One Redditor even suggested that OP start inviting potential tenants to check out the apartment while his roommate is around.

Well, OP took the Netizens' advice and has now given their roommate a date to vacate the house. However, from the way things are going, this could end up in a messy court battle.

We'd love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
