OP's Mom Guiltrips Her For Saying No To A Church Thing, And The Reddit Community Backs Her Up

"Am I the ***hole for putting my foot down?"

OP's Mom Guiltrips Her For Saying No To A Church Thing, And The Reddit Community Backs Her Up

We are taught to respect and obey our parents' authority as children. We are often taught that saying "no" to our parents is disrespectful and disobedient.

However, as we grow up and become more independent, we must learn to say "no" to our parents when necessary. Saying "no" to our parents can be difficult, but learning is an important skill.

It is a crucial life skill that can benefit them in many ways. By helping them develop assertiveness, build self-esteem, establish boundaries, learn critical thinking, and protect against peer pressure, you are setting them up for success in all aspects of life.

Establishing boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. By saying "no" to our parents, we communicate our limits and clarify what we are willing and unwilling to do.

Boundaries help us to avoid being taken advantage of, manipulated, or exploited. Establishing limitations with our parents is essential as it helps us develop healthy self-respect and self-worth.

Saying "no" to our parents also helps us build self-confidence. When we assert ourselves and say "no," we take control of our lives and make decisions in our best interest.

This sense of empowerment can help us feel more confident and capable in other areas. By saying "no" to our parents, we also learn to trust our judgment and develop a strong sense of self-reliance.

Finally, saying "no" to our parents can help us become more independent. As we grow older, we must learn to make our own decisions and take responsibility for our lives.

Saying "no" to our parents is essential to this process as it helps us become more self-reliant and assertive. By saying "no" to our parents, we are also learning to make our own choices and take responsibility for the consequences of those choices.

OP shared how her mom likes to volunteer her and her things without her consent.

OP shared how her mom likes to volunteer her and her things without her consent.Reddit/u/EvilFairyPrincess91

OP's mom would reply, "What about all of the things we do for you?" whenever she confronts her.

OP's mom would reply, Reddit/u/EvilFairyPrincess91

OP explained, "I don't want my things damaged or loaned out to people wait weeks or months to get back."

OP explained, Reddit/u/EvilFairyPrincess91

1 She will never learn unless you say no to everything that's abusive.

1 She will never learn unless you say no to everything that's abusive.Reddit/ KaliTheBlaze

We must keep in mind that boundaries are made to simply protect ourselves.

We must keep in mind that boundaries are made to simply protect ourselves.Reddit/ Elvtars426

"You need to draw a firm boundary."

Reddit/ Walktothebrook

"Respect boundaries and not use other peoples' labor."

Reddit/ kaett

The worst kind of abuse that you can get is from your family.

The worst kind of abuse that you can get is from your family.Reddit/ indendosha

She's probably a people pleaser.

She's probably a people pleaser.Reddit/ JasonSpaceBerger

"She knows how to push your buttons because she installed them."

Reddit/ Silent-Focus47


Louder!Reddit/ Hot-Ant-4031

It's indeed OP's consequence for always saying yes to her mom's requests.

It's indeed OP's consequence for always saying yes to her mom's requests.Reddit/ Sea-Confection-2627

Keep saying no, and she'll eventually get it.

Keep saying no, and she'll eventually get it.Reddit/ Special-Attitude-242

Keep yourself up, OP!

Keep yourself up, OP!Reddit/ imothro

It simply means no.

It simply means no.Reddit/ Single-Advantage-164

Seems familiar.

Seems familiar.Reddit/ lola_raspberry

"You're entitled to spend your time however you want."

Reddit/ Sparrow51

That's the worst part of having devoted parents. They think they are always right.

That's the worst part of having devoted parents. They think they are always right.Reddit/ Reddoraptor

"That doesn't mean you owe her your life."

Reddit/ FredJenson06


This:Reddit/ Possible_Thief

"She needs to respect your time and your property."

Reddit/ Neither_Grab3247

A big step for you, OP.

A big step for you, OP.Reddit/ candycoatedcoward

You have all the reasons to decline.

You have all the reasons to decline.Reddit/ simAlity

Learning to say "no" to our parents is an essential skill that can help us establish boundaries, build self-confidence, and become more independent. It is necessary to recognize that saying "no" does not mean disrespecting our parents but rather asserting our needs and desires.

By learning to say "no" respectfully and assertively, we can develop healthy relationships with our parents and become more confident and self-reliant. Like and share more stories!
