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A flight experiences insane turbulence that left passengers fearful.
If you've ever been on a plane, you've probably felt the turbulence that comes on when you're on there, but many haven't experienced turbulence like this. It's actually pretty normal, but to go through something like the story we're going to look into is quite traumatizing.
Turbulence isn't supposed to be too crazy, and it happens on almost every flight, but in this case, it could've been really bad. A flight heading to Miami actually hit "severe turbulence" that pushed its passengers into the ceiling.
Imagine: You're on a plane, and you encounter turbulence, which you imagine to be normal, but then suddenly, you're flying from your seat. This is a sight that nobody wants to see, and it could potentially ruin someone's flying experience for the rest of their life due to fear.
Turbulence is normal, but something like this isn't really what people prepare for on their flight. A video that captured the entire thing was shared across social media.
Looking at the video, you can see just how wild it looks and how insane the turbulence was. It is unfortunate because it could have scared so many people on the plane.
Let's take a look at the story and what happened.
The Scandinavian Airlines flight SK957 is the flight that encountered tons of turbulence as it flew over Greenland during its trip from Miami. The footage showcased the "severe turbulence" and showed people being thrown out of their seats.
In the footage, you can hear people screaming as the people who didn't have seatbelts on were thrown out of their seats. Some people even hit the ceiling of the plane as they encountered the drop.
According to the airline, 254 passengers were on board the plane, and supposedly, no severe injuries were reported.
A passenger, Sammy Solstad said that he felt lucky to be alive after experiencing the severe turbulence. He said that "everyone on the plane was praying and asking to just land instead of flying over the open sea."
The flight crew stated for them to return to Europe after the incident happened. They landed in Copenhagen because their safety protocols "require a thorough inspection of the aircraft."
These severe turbulence events are quite rare, but a United Airlines flight from Cancun to Chicago experienced a similar turbulence event that was seemingly terrifying to passengers on that flight as well.
It was said that the plane dropped about 4,000 feet which is insane to think about. It looks chaotic and it really shows that you should have your seatbelt on the plane whenever it is in motion.
This is a really crazy story and we are just happy that nobody was injured. It was clearly a scary situation but it is something that really tells us that we should be safe always because if they'd been wearing seatbelts then it would have been much safer for them during all of this.