Teen Redditor Left Awestruck After Cousin's Wife Tries to Push Them Into Jetting Off Abroad With Her Son

“Who entrusts their child to a teenager for an overseas trip?!’

Teen Redditor Left Awestruck After Cousin's Wife Tries to Push Them Into Jetting Off Abroad With Her Son

Life can be such an unpredictable journey. Sometimes, we are presented with unique challenges that are so far flung from reality we are at a loss on how to react.

For our narrator (Original Poster), the adventure began in their very first semester as a college freshman. This wide-eyed freshman had traveled from the Carribeans to embrace the American dream.

Thankfully, support came in the form of OP’s long-lost cousin and his wife. They helped OP settle in, and it was a seamless transition. Before they knew it an entire semester rolled by, and Thanksgiving break was here. OP accepted their cousin's invitation to spend the break in Dallas.

They reconnected and caught up on each other’s lives. Time flew by, and in no time, OP was back in school studying for finals.

One fateful day, OP was hit with a jaw-dropping text from his cousin's wife; She requested that OP take her 8-year-old son with him to the Caribbean. The reason? The child's godmother wanted to see him.  

OP was flabbergasted! Who in their right mind entrusts an 18-year-old with such a colossal responsibility? Swiftly, OP summoned their wits and conjured up clever excuses to dodge this insane request, thinking they were in the clear.

Imagine OP’s shock when, on the day of departure, they looked up only to see the cousin's wife and her son lugging a carry-on and suitcase, making a beeline for OP.

She pleaded her case, claiming she had already purchased the tickets and begged OP to take her son to meet this godmother. OP firmly declined the request and sauntered off to catch their flight.

Scroll down to read more.

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

A little background

A little backgroundReddit.com

OP’s cousin ‘s wife made and awkward request, which OP refused

OP’s cousin ‘s wife made and awkward request, which OP refusedReddit.com

OP’s cousin’s wife came over to the airport and tried to make them take her son back to the Caribbean

OP’s cousin’s wife came over to the airport and tried to make them take her son back to the CaribbeanReddit.com

OP’s family is proud of them for standing their ground

OP’s family is proud of them for standing their groundReddit.com

“Well done for not bowing down under pressure. You absolutely did the right thing.“

“Well done for not bowing down under pressure. You absolutely did the right thing.“Reddit.com

“We Flying Internationally with a child requires documentation, especially when not immediate family.”

“We Flying Internationally with a child requires documentation, especially when not immediate family.”Reddit.com

“Wow, the wife went behind the fathers back to put the kid on an international flight? How would did she think it would work out?“

“Wow, the wife went behind the fathers back to put the kid on an international flight? How would did she think it would work out?“Reddit.com

“You absolutely did the right thing.LL”

“You absolutely did the right thing.LL”Reddit.com

“Definitely did the right thing. I would not be taking responsibility for a small child I barely know.”

“Definitely did the right thing. I would not be taking responsibility for a small child I barely know.”Reddit.com

“That sounds dodgy as hell to be honest. Why was she was going behind your cousin's back?”

“That sounds dodgy as hell to be honest. Why was she was going behind your cousin's back?”Reddit.com

If she truly wanted her child to go there were ways to make it happen without the use of OP ””

If she truly wanted her child to go there were ways to make it happen without the use of OP ””Reddit.com

“These people know the person refused but think meh I bet I can manipulate & force em to do it

“These people know the person refused but think meh I bet I can manipulate & force em to do itReddit.com

“I feel like she was planning to smuggle the kid out of the country and keep him from her husband.”

“I feel like she was planning to smuggle the kid out of the country and keep him from her husband.”Reddit.com

The craziest part in all this was OP had no clue who this mysterious godmother even was. They wisely proposed a family trip instead – a far saner option.

Back home, OP shared this hilarious saga with their family who cheered them for their resolute stand. 

Soon after, OP learned their cousin had divorced his wife. No surprises there given recent events!

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
