High School Student Scolded By Mom For Wearing Stepmom's Kimono To The Prom, Online Community Thinks Mom Is Just Jelly

The teenager was told that she stuck out like a store thumb in the traditional outfit

High School Student Scolded By Mom For Wearing Stepmom's Kimono To The Prom, Online Community Thinks Mom Is Just Jelly

Donning traditional attire from a foreign culture within one's home country poses a delicate challenge. In today's era of instant social media sharing, individuals showcasing such clothing may unwittingly become targets of criticism and negativity simply for their choice of attire.

They may face accusations of cultural appropriation, a term that refers to the adoption of specific elements from another culture for personal gain or interest. Generally speaking, as long as you follow cultural sensitivity and approach cross-cultural appreciation with respect, the potential backlash can be mitigated.

Nevertheless, you need to tread carefully because there will inevitably be individuals who staunchly oppose the idea of people donning traditional costumes at certain events, regardless of whether the attire is worn correctly. This sentiment is reflected in today's story from the Am I The A**hole (AITA) subreddit, serving as one such example.

The original poster (OP) asked the community if she was wrong for wearing a kimono during prom. She tells users that when she was about to wear the red dress she bought, her stepmom pulled her aside and offered her a kimono.

The OP thought the dress was beautiful, so she obliged. After the event, when it was finally time to look at the photos, her mom saw them and wasn't happy.

The OP was then questioned by her mom about her choice. An argument ensued, ending up in her being grounded.

She then asked a friend whether wearing a kimono was acceptable, only to encounter yet another disapproving reception.

The OP was offered a kimono by her stepmom and she agreed to wear it.

The OP was offered a kimono by her stepmom and she agreed to wear it.Reddit

OP's mom saw her pictures and wasn't too happy.

OP's mom saw her pictures and wasn't too happy.Reddit

Redditors believe that while it angered her mom and her friend didn't have a warm reaction to what she did, she isn't necessarily in the wrong.

Redditors believe that while it angered her mom and her friend didn't have a warm reaction to what she did, she isn't necessarily in the wrong.Reddit

Given that the prom is a formal event, and considering that kimonos are traditionally worn for such occasions, her choice was entirely appropriate.

Given that the prom is a formal event, and considering that kimonos are traditionally worn for such occasions, her choice was entirely appropriate.Reddit

If this were from the perspective of a Japanese, they wouldn't mind. In fact, people from the said country would encourage it.

If this were from the perspective of a Japanese, they wouldn't mind. In fact, people from the said country would encourage it.Reddit

A Japanese living outside their own country shared their take on the situation and cultural appropriation.

A Japanese living outside their own country shared their take on the situation and cultural appropriation.Reddit

The mom's reaction came from a place of jealousy. It wasn't necessarily because it was culturally inappropriate.

The mom's reaction came from a place of jealousy. It wasn't necessarily because it was culturally inappropriate.Reddit

A person who took kimono classes tells the OP that she isn't the a-hole for wearing it to the prom. Her mom is just jealous.

A person who took kimono classes tells the OP that she isn't the a-hole for wearing it to the prom. Her mom is just jealous.Reddit

It was offered to her and she agreed to wear it. No issue there.

It was offered to her and she agreed to wear it. No issue there.Reddit

It would only be inappropriate if she wore it to achieve an exotic Asian look.

It would only be inappropriate if she wore it to achieve an exotic Asian look.Reddit

There's nothing wrong with the OP wearing the kimono to her prom. She was never culturally inappropriate, especially since it was an offer from a Japanese person.

The Redditors are probably right. Her mom's attitude after she looked at the prom pictures was off — it seemed like jealousy, especially since the OP was offered something that special.

It's disheartening that the enjoyable experience was overshadowed by her mom's attitude in the end. However, let's hope that the OP and her mom can find a solution to this issue.
