Redditor Sets Off Her Car Alarm When She Spots Neighbor Taking Photos Of It To Show HOA As Proof That Car Is An "Eye Sore" To The Neighborhood

Having your personal belongings look like and represent your specific vibe is always more important than the HOA rules.

Redditor Sets Off Her Car Alarm When She Spots Neighbor Taking Photos Of It To Show HOA As Proof That Car Is An "Eye Sore" To The Neighborhood

We are here again with an AITA thread post where someone is looking to take charge of a situation happening between her and a neighbor. Now, if you've lived in a neighborhood with HOA rules, then you know that most of the time, it has rules about neighborhood appearance and upholding some sort of standard when it comes to that.

So, in this case, that's what the supposed issue is with OP's car and why the neighbor is even saying anything about it. Ultimately, OP wants to know if she would be in the wrong to set off her car alarm every time she sees her neighbor take a photo of her car.

Her neighbor is trying to expose the car and her to HOA in order to get her to remove it from the neighborhood because it's a supposed "eye sore" to the neighborhood. Many people came to the comments to give OP advice and let her know what her options would be in this scenario.

If you've lived in HOA, then you know how stressful this might be for OP and trying to get it all figured out. With this being said, we're going to give you all the details on the full post here and the comments left on it as well.

OP starts off by explaining that she does think this whole situation is ridiculous, but continues on with the story and explains what is happening.

OP starts off by explaining that she does think this whole situation is ridiculous, but continues on with the story and explains what is happening.u/Effective-Run6169

She then goes into details on the neighbor, when they met, and basically just when this whole issue started and why she's mad about the color of her car.

She then goes into details on the neighbor, when they met, and basically just when this whole issue started and why she's mad about the color of her car.u/Effective-Run6169

Her revenge is that she sets off her car alarm every time she sees her neighbor go up to her car. However, she's not sure if this is begin too petty or childish.

Her revenge is that she sets off her car alarm every time she sees her neighbor go up to her car. However, she's not sure if this is begin too petty or childish.u/Effective-Run6169

She adds in an edit to thank everyone and giving a little bit more information on what's going on based on what people were telling her.

She adds in an edit to thank everyone and giving a little bit more information on what's going on based on what people were telling her.u/Effective-Run6169

The comments came flooding in when she submitted the post because people could immediately tell that she was being harassed by her neighbor and that this was not okay.

The comments came flooding in when she submitted the post because people could immediately tell that she was being harassed by her neighbor and that this was not okay.GroundbreaKingAd5056

Clearly people do believe that OP's neighbor is harassing her by doing this stuff and OP has a right to report her or do whatever she needs to to protect herself.

Clearly people do believe that OP's neighbor is harassing her by doing this stuff and OP has a right to report her or do whatever she needs to to protect herself.RepresentativeGur250

The encouragement to report her is heavy and we hope that OP stands her ground because she is being technically harassed and not for a good reason either.

The encouragement to report her is heavy and we hope that OP stands her ground because she is being technically harassed and not for a good reason either.Sajem

This is absolutely just stupid and we don't blame people in the comments for making jokes about it. Some people are really bothered over everything.

This is absolutely just stupid and we don't blame people in the comments for making jokes about it. Some people are really bothered over everything.diminishingpatience

This is when she started getting some advice on how she can get her neighbor back or report her in some way to the police because of what she is doing.

This is when she started getting some advice on how she can get her neighbor back or report her in some way to the police because of what she is doing.Lovemybee

This person told her she's NTA but that she maybe should stop setting off the alarm because it could be bothering others and obviously it's not working for the neighbor anymore.

This person told her she's NTA but that she maybe should stop setting off the alarm because it could be bothering others and obviously it's not working for the neighbor anymore.TolkienFan71

Ultimately people had so much to say about this, and they were on OP's side completely. Having an HOA police neighbor is stressful, and it's even more ridiculous if you're not even violating any HOA rules, which OP is not.

What would you do in her situation? Would you engage in this childish game?
