Man Throws Blame At Wife For Their Nine-Year-Old’s Shocking Career Shift That Could Potentially ‘Destroy His Future’

“He is only nine; his dreams are allowed to change!”

Man Throws Blame At Wife For Their Nine-Year-Old’s Shocking Career Shift That Could Potentially ‘Destroy His Future’

About a week ago, our narrator (original poster) had a rare day off. What better way to spend it than having a movie night with your 9-year-old son?

The duo, armed with popcorn and cozy blankets, navigated through the possible options till a unique series piqued the interest of the young explorer.

The series was titled “Our Planet,” and OP’s son requested to watch episodes about the sea. She happily indulged him—I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Well, turns out it was a lot.

After an evening exploring the vast underwater realm, OP and her son retired for the night. She filled her husband in on details of their successful movie night, and they retired to bed without giving it a second thought.

Days later, during a casual family breakfast, OP’s son, wide-eyed and brimming with newfound passion, declared a surprising career shift. He no longer wanted to become a doctor but to unravel the sea's mysteries as a marine biologist. 

OP showered him with encouragement and even mapped out potential opportunities. Her husband tried to muster up some semblance of support, but it was glaring to OP that he wasn’t thrilled.

When their son left for school, it was chaos. The husband accused OP of wrecking their son's future by letting him watch the sea documentary. OP argued that at nine, dreams could change, and it was vital they supported him through it all.

Well, he wasn’t buying that and tensions escalated; OP ended up kicking him out. He’s been camped at his mother’s place, and she won’t stop accusing OP of trying to destroy their lives.

Was watching a sea documentary that big of a deal?

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the

A bit of background

A bit of

OP’s son announced that he had decided to become a marine biologist instead of a doctor. This caused OP’s husband to blame her for ruining his “bright future”

OP’s son announced that he had decided to become a marine biologist instead of a doctor. This caused OP’s husband to blame her for ruining his “bright future”

Even OP’s MIL laid her own accusations. She was adamant that OP could end up destroying the lives of her son and grandchild

Even OP’s MIL laid her own accusations. She was adamant that OP could end up destroying the lives of her son and

Important edits


Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“Your husband escalated by threatening your child’s future and that right there is kicking out territory.”

“Your husband escalated by threatening your child’s future and that right there is kicking out territory.”

“It's ridiculous of your husband to assume his 9-year-old knows with absolute certainty what he wants to be when he grows up.”

“It's ridiculous of your husband to assume his 9-year-old knows with absolute certainty what he wants to be when he grows up.”

“NTA…Mama bear kicked in because your husband's expectations are TOXIC AF.”

“NTA…Mama bear kicked in because your husband's expectations are TOXIC AF.”

“I am going to say NTA for your original question, but screaming at your husband to get out is ridiculous behavior.”

“I am going to say NTA for your original question, but screaming at your husband to get out is ridiculous behavior.”

“The kid is 9! In a week he will be on to some other dream job.“

“The kid is 9!     In a week he will be on to some other dream job.“

“What the hell is your husband saying... Your kid will wanna be an ambulance driver tomorrow if they watch an A & E drama with you.”

“What the hell is your husband saying...     Your kid will wanna be an ambulance driver tomorrow if they watch an A & E drama with you.”

OP acknowledged she might have overreacted by kicking him out, but she still maintained her stance on the issue.

Redditors agreed that his anger was ridiculous; kids have the most hilarious and impossible career prospects; it was no cause for alarm—the kid was nine!

Fortunately, OP extended an apology, leading to a joint decision for couples counseling. 

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
