35 Hilarious Midwest Memes That Prove It's The Midwest Against The World, Courtesy Of Twitter's 'Midwest Vs. Everybody'

Once you become a parent, it is no longer about you
If being a parent demands anything, it's patience and a lot of it. When you stop to think about it, you are essentially raising a child from birth, and the only person who can teach them the fundamentals of life is you, together with your partner.
It's easier said than done, as anyone who has raised a child will attest. Everybody approaches parenting in a different way.
However, I think we can all agree that being a parent changes everything about you—your needs and desires. But instead, the focus is on this tiny, helpless human who screams, urinates, and destroys everything in his or her path.
And even though it could occasionally appear like this tiny thing is trying to harm you, there is no better feeling in the world than realizing that you created this tiny little kid all by yourself. Of course, the dad deserves some credit too.
Nevertheless, there are ups and downs to parenthood, like sleepless nights, disorganized homes, and the mess created everywhere. But when the mayhem eventually stops and it's time for a nap, that's when we really appreciate how fortunate we are to be parents.
After that, it all starts over when they wake up. That being said, we sincerely hope you find this collection of clever parenting memes amusing!
As a parent, there will be nights without sleep and one may have regret and ask themselves, "Why would we ever do this to ourselves?" It all becomes worthwhile, though, as the sun sets, your tiny ones are soundly asleep in their beds, and you get to see their sleepy little faces.
Having said that, we sincerely hope you enjoyed this selection of the funniest and most realistic parenting memes.