Grief-Stricken Dog Owner Asks Online Community How To Move On From Loneliness And Anger Brought By Death Of Their Dog Of Almost 12 Years

Most people think she is indeed crazy for even thinking about it.
Dogs do the silliest of things, including snatching food off the plates on your counter or table. Perhaps it's out of sheer boredom, a little curiosity, or simply a desire to feel included!
Nonetheless, it's wise to keep an eye on this behavior, particularly if there are potentially hazardous items and harmful ingredients within their reach. We need to be proactive in preventing dogs from taking counter food.
Firstly, completely remove whatever item your dog is after. Keeping your counters and tables clear of food will swiftly demonstrate to your dog that what they desire isn't available anymore. When the desired resource isn't present, it will help decrease jumping-up behaviors since they won't be reinforced by finding "treats" on the table.
Moreover, remove anything from counters and tables that could be harmful to your dog if ingested. If you need to leave food out while cooking, it's best to keep your dog out of the kitchen entirely as this will eliminate the temptation.
Simple options include using a baby gate or placing your dog in a separate room with a favorite treat during meal preparation times. These are just some practical things you can do to keep human food away from your dog.
One Quora user has another idea, though, and it is an unthinkable one. She got so annoyed at the dog for eating her kids' food that she wanted to put her dog down.
This is her question:
My dog ate my kids plate of food and I'm seriously considering putting him down for this? Am I completely insane for thinking this is the approach to take?
No, that's not the right approach at all. I'm just glad it wasn't your kids who ate the dog's food.
This is not normal thinking, I assume you hate the dog, give the dog to someone who loves dogs.
Please do not do that for that would be an overreaction to the situation. Try to keep human food away from him next time.
Yes, you are completely insane for wanting to put a dog down just for eating a kid’s plate of food. A pet is suppose to be like a family member once you get the and care for them, so would you put one of your family members down for coming and eating one of your kids plates?
You don’t need to own any animals if this is your way of thinking. My dogs are like my kids and I could and would never think of doing anything like that to them.
You’re not only insane but that’s psychotic behaviour. Are you even feeding the dog adequately?
Would you put down a toddler for eating off your plate? Find a family who sees him as part of the family
Yeah, murder your dog for being a dog.
Really, if you can’t assume the responsibility of owning a dog how do you have kids? Would you put your kids down if they ate your food?
Give the dog to someone who will love him and call protective services on yourself. It's their only hope.
We can understand the annoyance that the incident brought, especially since she worked hard to prepare those meals that were meant for her children. But it's definitely not normal to have the urge to put down an animal for something that they would normally do, especially if they're untrained.
Maybe the mom should listen to the community and give up her dog before she does the unthinkable.