New Resident At Group Home Arrested For Trying To Kill A Cat And Assaulting Landlord's Wife

Sweet, sweet karma

New Resident At Group Home Arrested For Trying To Kill A Cat And Assaulting Landlord's Wife

A cat owner was so close to taking justice into her own hands when a random roommate stole and tried to kill her pet. The OP was new to the city as she had just recently moved out of her family's home.

She had no choice but to stay in a group home for people with disabilities while her disability payments were sorted out. OP was doing well until another woman moved in.

Practically everyone in the group home disliked the newcomer. OP guessed that this new resident was suffering from a type of mental illness and that she wasn't on medication.

Their new roommate talked to herself late into the night. A lot of the residents' possessions went missing, and the newcomer was the prime suspect.

She tried to get OP's boyfriend arrested by accusing him of threatening her with a gun. She seemed to target OP and anyone adjacent to her.

This meant OP's cat, Smokey, was in danger. The newcomer liked Smokey and asked OP to sell him to her.

Her boyfriend said OP's pets were like children to her. They rejected her offer to buy the cat which the newcomer didn't appreciate.

OP's boyfriend overheard the newcomer threatening to kill Smokey. OP put the cat on a leash and tied him next to where she slept to make sure the woman wouldn't steal him in the dark.

The newcomer took advantage of OP's deep sleep due to her insomnia medication and stole Smokey

The newcomer took advantage of OP's deep sleep due to her insomnia medication and stole Smokeyu/unicorn92243

OP woke up and her cat just wasn't there. The newcomer denied any knowledge about it, but refused to meet OP's eyes.

OP woke up and her cat just wasn't there. The newcomer denied any knowledge about it, but refused to meet OP's eyes.u/unicorn92243

OP later got a call that Smokey was found. He was tied to a car and was dragged down the street. Everyone in the group home was horrified for OP and Smokey.

OP later got a call that Smokey was found. He was tied to a car and was dragged down the street. Everyone in the group home was horrified for OP and Smokey.u/unicorn92243

They pooled their money to pay for his medical needs. They didn't have enough proof to report the newcomer to the police.

They pooled their money to pay for his medical needs. They didn't have enough proof to report the newcomer to the police.u/unicorn92243

OP keep a broken broomstick from then on to let the woman know not to go near Smokey. Eventually, the woman was arrested and kicked out of the group home for throwing a rock at their landlord's wife.

OP keep a broken broomstick from then on to let the woman know not to go near Smokey. Eventually, the woman was arrested and kicked out of the group home for throwing a rock at their landlord's wife.u/unicorn92243

She was placed at a mental facility. They also found the missing stuff of the residents in her belongings. OP pettily swiped one of her gift cards as a small revenge for what happened to Smokey.

She was placed at a mental facility. They also found the missing stuff of the residents in her belongings. OP pettily swiped one of her gift cards as a small revenge for what happened to Smokey.u/unicorn92243

Unfortunately, Smokey ran away not long after that. OP had no idea where he went, but he never fully recovered from his injuries.

Unfortunately, Smokey ran away not long after that. OP had no idea where he went, but he never fully recovered from his injuries.u/unicorn92243

Smokey didn't deserve what happened to him. Kind of glad OP didn't get into a physical altercation with the woman.

Smokey didn't deserve what happened to him. Kind of glad OP didn't get into a physical altercation with the woman.WigglyButtNugget, unicorn92243

A person who hurts animals clearly needs help or jail time

A person who hurts animals clearly needs help or jail timeWigglyButtNugget, unicorn92243

It was dumb of her to assault a person after being suspected of animal cruelty. She was on paper-thin ice and she still chose to do a stupid thing.

It was dumb of her to assault a person after being suspected of animal cruelty. She was on paper-thin ice and she still chose to do a stupid thing.MissAlbino, unicorn92243

OP taking the newcomer's gift card must have tasted like sweet revenge

OP taking the newcomer's gift card must have tasted like sweet revengeWaifer2016

Glad she got the help she needed, but she can go kick rocks. Smokey deserved better.

Glad she got the help she needed, but she can go kick rocks. Smokey deserved better.StormysMama

OP was right to restrain herself from retaliating against the woman who hurt her cat. It must have taken an incredible amount of self-control not to actively seek revenge against a person who deliberately inflicted pain on an innocent animal.
