Grief-Stricken Dog Owner Asks Online Community How To Move On From Loneliness And Anger Brought By Death Of Their Dog Of Almost 12 Years

The situation angered an online community, with some people suggesting that the husband be thrown out.
Describing dogs as "man's best friend" barely scratches the surface of the beautiful bond shared between humans and our canine pals. They embody loyalty and kindness and shower us with nearly boundless love, bringing endless happiness and excitement into our lives.
Sometimes, their affection knows no bounds! Dogs greet us with unbridled joy, never growing weary of our company, and they couldn't care less if we stumble and goof around.
They truly are among the most remarkable beings on Earth, serving as cherished companions who seamlessly blend into our families. It's incredible to think they're the only creatures specially designed by evolution to be our companions.
But no matter how much their human loves them, some unfortunate circumstances cause the owner to lose their dog. It could be that the dog died or sickness or it went missing.
Losing a beloved pet can be incredibly tough to bear. At times, it may even weigh on us as heavily as losing a dear human friend or family member, if not more so.
This isn't just based on personal stories; studies have shown that for many of us, saying goodbye to a cherished dog is just as emotionally challenging as saying farewell to a human loved one in nearly every aspect.
On Quora, a wife posted a question about how to cope with the aftermath of her husband selling their dog due to financial problems. This is her question:
My husband sold our family dog without consulting me to make ends meet. What do I do? Our kids and I loved that dog. We had the dog for 6 years.
Well I know what I would do I would try and find the dog and explain what your husband has done and then pack his bags or sell something that he really likes to make ends meet.
Discovering that a beloved family pet was sold without consultation can be emotionally challenging. Initiate a calm and honest conversation with your husband to understand the reasons behind his decision.
Express your feelings and work together to find a solution that considers the well-being of both your family and the dog. Seeking the guidance of a family therapist may also help facilitate communication and resolve underlying issues.
You need to find out where the dog went, contact the people to arrange to get the dog back and make arrangements for your husband to live in another home.
If I were you, I’d put the sonofab*tch out the door and go find a new husband.
My dogs are everything to me and Lord help anyone who did something to hurt one of them.
Selling the family dog would not resolve the financial problem unless you expect your dog to get a job. Sounds like there are other issues that need to be dealt with in your family that have nothing to do with the family pet.
You need to talk to a lawyer. Many will give an initial consultation for no fee.
Make sure it’s one that’s practicing in the domestic disputes arena.
Immediately & while you wait for your legal appointment, find out (if you can) who he sold your dog to & for what price. If you can find the finances, contact them without his knowledge, explain the circumstances & offer to buy it back for a higher price.
If the purchaser is willing to do that, find a place to board or foster the dog until you decide what you want to do about your situation with this man.
If the buyer is not willing to return the dog for a higher price, pursue legal procedure according to the lawyer’s advice. I’m sorry this happened to you & your dog.
Start a fundraiser if you have to. ❤️🐕
Author is a troll, I fear - has a husband who sells the dog, and a boyfriend who sells the laptop. Look at the history, and the profile pic.
Block and mute.
The dog is gone, unless you know who bought him and have the money to give him back, and they will, there isn't much you can do. Now for the husband.
It doesn't seem to me he could make enough money selling a dog to help make ends meet. He didn't consult you, he didn't consider his children in this equation.
I'd say give him an ultimatum. Get the dog back or we will be getting rid of you.
1 less mouth to feed could sure help make ends meet.
Quickly try to buy it back, explain how important it is. The person may require extra money for their inconvenience.
Put dog in house, put husband in doghouse.
Any man that would do that does not deserve to have a family I'd get rid of the husband and do my best to get my dog back what the hell is going on in our country I'm ashamed to be a human being because we are savages dogs are our best friends and somebody does that it breaks my heart
Although we don't know the authenticity of the story, things like this, unfortunately, happen. One partner sells or gives away the dog without the knowledge and consent of the other.
The reality is that their financial problems won't disappear after selling the dog. It's only a band-aid solution.
What they need is a permanent solution that addresses their financial challenges without sacrificing the well-being of their beloved pet.