Adamant Teenager Wants To Adopt A Dog Despite Her Mother's Concerns And Won't Take No For An Answer

Is it selfish for her to push for a family dog despite her mother's concerns?

Adamant Teenager Wants To Adopt A Dog Despite Her Mother's Concerns And Won't Take No For An Answer

Adopting a dog is a huge thing. Reossy, a sixteen-year-old girl on Reddit, recently shared a post on the "AITA" subreddit seeking advice on whether or not she is in the wrong for wanting a dog.

In the post, she reveals that she and her father have been trying to convince her mother to get a dog for some time now, but her mother has not budged. Reossy explains that she had a small dog when she was younger, and it was among what made her childhood fun.

She and her father believe her younger siblings would also benefit from having a dog. However, her mother is worried that she will be the only one taking care of the dog, as she was the primary caregiver for their previous dog during its last weeks.

However, Reossy has promised to help take care of the dog whenever she is home and has also assured her mom that the dog is well-trained. Despite all these efforts, her mom still refuses to grant her request and gets very upset with her each time she brings up the topic.

Reossy wants to know if she is the a-hole in this situation. Here is what the AITA community thinks.

Here's OP's post

Here's OP's postu/Reossy

1. When she leaves home, her mother will have to care for the dog.

1. When she leaves home, her mother will have to care for the dog.u/Reossy

2. She can get a dog when she moves out.

2. She can get a dog when she moves out.u/Reossy

3. If she thinks ahead, she may realize that getting a dog isn't a smart choice.

3. If she thinks ahead, she may realize that getting a dog isn't a smart choice.u/Reossy

4. It's not uncommon for kids to renege on their promise to care for a pet.

4. It's not uncommon for kids to renege on their promise to care for a pet.u/Reossy

5. "No" means "no".

5. u/Reossy

6. She is trying to cover up her selfish motives with her siblings.

6. She is trying to cover up her selfish motives with her siblings.u/Reossy

7. Having a dog may have been fun for her child, but it was probably unpleasant for her mom.

7. Having a dog may have been fun for her child, but it was probably unpleasant for her mom.u/Reossy

8. Her mother will shoulder most of the responsibility.

8. Her mother will shoulder most of the responsibility.u/Reossy

9. She should stop pestering her mom.

9. She should stop pestering her mom.u/Reossy

10. Constantly begging her mom won't make any difference.

10. Constantly begging her mom won't make any difference.u/Reossy

11. Whoever owns the house can decide whether to get a pet.

11. Whoever owns the house can decide whether to get a pet.u/Reossy

12. Moms are used to kids not caring for the pets they adopted.

12. Moms are used to kids not caring for the pets they adopted.u/Reossy

13. Children don't know that owning a dog is hard work.

13. Children don't know that owning a dog is hard work.u/Reossy

14. Who will care for the dog when she's off to college?

14. Who will care for the dog when she's off to college?u/Reossy

15. Walking a dog is not the same as caring for a dog.

15. Walking a dog is not the same as caring for a dog.u/Reossy

16. They can get a dog if her dad guarantees he will care for it.

16. They can get a dog if her dad guarantees he will care for it.u/Reossy

17. Her parents have the final say because it's their house.

17. Her parents have the final say because it's their house.u/Reossy

18. Asking for a dog when she'll move out soon is unfair.

18. Asking for a dog when she'll move out soon is unfair.u/Reossy

19. She should assure her mom that she will take full responsibility for the dog's care.

19. She should assure her mom that she will take full responsibility for the dog's care.u/Reossy

20. If she's serious about caring for the dog long-term, she should draft a detailed plan and show it to her mom.

20. If she's serious about caring for the dog long-term, she should draft a detailed plan and show it to her mom.u/Reossy

What do you think?

Caring for a dog is a huge responsibility that children cannot handle. Dogs need to be fed, groomed, walked, and given attention regularly.

This requires dedication, patience, and understanding, which are qualities children may not possess. Additionally, dogs can be expensive and require regular trips to the vet.

It's essential for parents to carefully consider their child's ability to take on such a significant responsibility before deciding to get a dog.
